• Zaitsev, Yu.P., 1971. Marine Neustonology. Translated from Russian.
    Marine Neustonology

    About This Book

    This is the first monograph ever published on a new branch of marine biology - neustonology. The recognition and definition of the neuston - those plants and animals inhabiting the surface film of the sea.

    This book describes especially elaborated investigation methods for studying the neuston, and summariizes results of analyses of their structure, composition, density, ecology and population dynamics, as well as details of the distribution of neustonic organisms.

    Speculating on the implications of these observations, Zaitsev emphasizes the importance of the neuston in the reproductive cycles of marine organisms and in the turnover of substances in nature, and the significance of neustonology for rational utilization, protection and regeneration of oceanic resources.

    Some pictures of neuston from other books

    Neuston net (after Zaitsev, 1964)

    Some representatives of the Black Sea neuston

    The neustonic biocoenosis of the Sargassum algae

    Surface-living organisms of tropical oceanic waters

    Neustonic organisms of seas and oceans

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