Neustonic organisms of seas and oceans

a - purple snail, Janthina
b - sea slug, Glaucus
c - pelagic sea anemone, Mynias
d - pelagic hydrozoan, Porpita
e - Pontella scutifer
f - Pontella princeps
g - Megalopa stages of the crab Cancer pagurus
h - shrimp Parapenaeus
i - young paper argonaut, Argonauta
j - young squid Teleotheutis

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h - shrimp Parapenaeus j - young squid Teleotheutis i - young paper argonaut, Argonauta g - Megalopa stages of the crab Cancer pagurus f - Pontella princeps e - Pontella scutifer d - pelagic hydrozoan, Porpita c - pelagic sea anemone, Mynias b - sea slug, Glaucus a - purple snail, Janthina
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